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Individual Book Details: A0051

Record Date
Collection Name
1830 Palmyra
Ownership Type
Special Collections
Albion College
Albion, MI
1830 Book of Mormon, Albion College
The Book of Mormon was donated to Albion College's Stockwell Memorial Library by William R. Longstreet. Longstreet was an alumnus of Albion, class of 1894. He was a collector of rare books, and started his collection not long after graduating from Albion College. His stepfather was a United Methodist minister, which perhaps influenced what he collected as much of his collections (and donation to our rare book collection) are related to Christianity and religion.
The Stockwell Memorial Library officially opened in 1939. It was a benefactor of a project called the McGregor Plan which brought rare books to small colleges in remote areas. It’s believed the McGregor Plan led Longstreet to donate parts of his collections to the rare books as well.
Longstreet made several donations to the Library/rare books but a donation in 1940 was the largest--so more than likely that is when the library received the Book of Mormon from him. Longstreet died in 1957, so that would be the last time that the Library would have received anything from him.
Unique Features
Spine: Intact spine. Spine lines present without gold coloring.
Spine Lettering and Label: Black ribbon fading. Title embossed text visible but without gold coloring.
Cover: Leather marbling still visible. Quarter circle mark in upper left corner. Noticeable wear around edges. Back cover has discoloration marking (repair?) on upper section, from an inch down of spine edge, curving upwards to left corner.
Title Page: present, intact. Triangular cockling folds on all four corners. No visible markings or writings.
Text: Preface page showing triangular cockling similar to title page.
Inscription: None Recorded
Notes: Bookplate sticker on inside front pastedown listing Albion College Library and give of William R. Longstreet. Copyright page (verso) listing library numbers: “3 5044 00098 3996 BX 8623 1830 Rare” in pencil. Preface page: “iv”.